What is Python ? Intoduction of Python

 Introduction of Python

Python is the most used high-level programming language it's created by GUIDO VAN and first introduced in 1991.

Python is contain object-oriented programming feature  like java,c++ etc.Also in current time python is used for Data Science, 

hacking security applications and many other major areas in IT.

Python used to execute the command in your terminal, using an interpreter so python use interpreter for run program.

Python is open source and python is available for any Operating System like Linux, Unix, Window, MAC, Linux many more.

Python is developed in the C++  Object-oriented programming language comparing other language python give you sample code and 

easy to understand in such are variable creation, define the function, object creation, many other areas.sum sample Arithematic operation in 

other languages with large and complex logic codes then Python gives this operation with small and sample logic with faster output.

How verified  Python is instead on your operating system guess you are using Window operating systems need to add path of Python to the

environment  variable before using it in your command prompt to check =>>  Python -- version name and press enter if it is already installed on your pc than show

you details of version. 


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