
Showing posts from May, 2019


What is HTML? The language used to develop web pages is called HTML.HTML full forum is HyperText Markup Language .  Html is the language interpreted by a browser such as Internet explorer, google chrome, safari, etc. Web Pages are called HTML document and HTML is a set of special codes that can be embedded in the text to add formatting and linking information.Html is specified as TAGS in an HTML document. In Html itself self there is no programming it just the "marking up" of regular text. Marking up text then simply means you add some command or tags to your document in order to tell a web browser how you want the document displayed. THE BASIC POINT FOR LEARNING HTML IS TO CREATE PAGES FOR THE WORLDWIDE WEB. ➤ STRUCTURE OF HTML DOCUMENT: HEAD & BODY SECTIONS       BASIC STRUCTURE OF HTML          Every HTML document follows this basic structure:                 ...